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Mentoring programs


(Ages 13-18)

The YouthCEO’s is our character development program for our youth. We meet weekly to discover their character through performing arts, reading, basic financial literacy, and community service. The sessions will focus on:

         I.   Moral Character

        II.   Social and Emotional Skills

       III.   Financial skills & Literacy

       IV.   Introduction to the Performing Arts

              and More!!!


Become A Mentor

The MENTOR role focuses on developing innovative ways to leverage our most valuable asset-the youth. The mentors will acknowledge experts as the community premiere program provider and advocate for the youth to expand beyond reach. While our program will carefully screen mentors who have a genuine passion for the youth, it is still important for all mentors to spend time thinking about and articulating their roles and expectations for the relationship. Mentors will be introduced to principles of positive youth development – building on student’s strengths rather than “fixing” their problem, so they can see their own role in this larger context. It is important that all mentors understand that commitment and consistency will play a large role in relationship building.

Leadership Mentoring & Training Program

The TeenCEO’s is a weekly empowerment/mentoring session for our middle & high school teens. The workshops focus on a variety of areas, such as:

         I.  Moral Character

        II.  Social and Emotional Skills

       III.  Positive Self Identity and Self Esteem

       IV.  Academic Success and Work Ethic

             and More!!!







(Ages 6-12)

The goal of Let’s Talk HOPE Leadership Mentoring and Training program is to mentor and develop leaders, who will be proficient in leadership development, job skills and knowledge training, forward thinking, and creativity. This will be done through hands-on training, coaching and mentoring activities, online and social networking communities, and engagement strategies!


Copyright © 2021 Embrace HOPE Foundation,Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Embrace HOPE Foundation,Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit organization in the State of Florida

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